
World-class fuels that blend innovation with great customer offerings.

jio-bp jio-bp jio-bp


World-class fuels that blend innovation with great customer offerings.

Advanced features


based ordering


Hassle-free, round the
clock fuel ordering








Variety of direct
schemes with online orders

Delivery mediums and its key differentiators

We offer our customers the choice of two PESO approved delivery mediums


To become a partner/customer click here

Mobile Dispensing Units (MDUs)
Mobile Dispensing Units (MDUs)

Mobile Dispensing Units (MDUs)

Mobile Dispenser Units (MDUs) are a medium of choice due to inherent capabilities like dispensing speed, reach and reliability.

Smart Fuel Containers (HDPE SFCs)
Smart Fuel Containers (HDPE SFCs)

Smart Fuel Containers (HDPE SFCs)

HDPE SFCs are a specialised design offered only at Jio-bp which provides a range of added advantages over the usual containers.


We have a simple customer registration process, you/yourself can register by login to fuel4u.com, or we have business partners who will assist you with the onboarding process.

We are a pan-India service provider present in over 20 states and union territories. Our partners will brief you on service availability details, or you could visit fuel4u.com.

We offer a complete bouquet of payment options like online, debit card, credit card, e-Wallet, JioMoney,Flexipay, net banking, trans connect fleet card and cash payment options.
We are the oldest and one of the largest fuel delivery service providers. We offer the best in industry quality and quantity assurance with timely delivery, transparent pricing and support.
No. By law, we are restricted to dispense fuel for non-transport assets only and not for transport vehicles.
Diesel is provided to you at retail selling price same as your nearest fuel station. However a small delivery fee may be applicable which will be explained to you by our delivery partner.
You can place orders in advance via our online portal. We also offer emergency order options in case you require fuel delivery on the same day.
There may be a service charge involved basis distance from RO and quantity. Our partners will get in touch with you to discuss service charges applicability.
We deliver fuel into the non-transport asset location only.
We use state of the art Mobile Dispensers and Pilfer Proof Containers with patented technology to make sure that you get the exact quantity of fuel that you have ordered.
Our business partners will assist you with queries related to credit.
All your discount related queries will be addressed by our Jio-bp mobile fuelling officer.

Please use the sign-up feature at our website fuel4u.com. Our partners will get in touch with you very soon. 

You can place orders 24x7 via our easy-to-use online platform. To do that you will have to go through a simple registration process at fuel4u.com.

Once you have placed an order online, our competent and well-trained staff will deliver fuel into your asset using advanced mobile dispensers or patented Pilfer Proof Containers.
Your delivery medium preference, MDU or Pilfer Proof Containers, will be discussed with the delivery partner in detail.
No, by law we are restricted to delivering diesel only for non-transport assets.
Non-transport assets are machines which run using diesel which cannot go to fuel station for getting fuel like generators, heavy farm and mining equipment etc.
Yes. Our partners will take you through the process and permissions required for it.